Here is the code for a BPM. I went back to the path Jose started us on, vs showing you the data directive.
BPM Execute Custom Code. Code, Using, Reference following: Hard coded for order and email, make sure that works in a stand alone BPM. Then add your order loop.
var soForm = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.SalesOrderAckSvcContract>(Db);
SalesOrderAckTableset soTS = soForm.GetNewParameters();
SalesOrderAckParamRow r = soTS.SalesOrderAckParam[0];
r.OrderNum = 18738;
r.SysRowID = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
r.AutoAction = "SSRSPrint";
r.AgentSchedNum = 0;
r.AgentID = "SystemTaskAgent";
r.AgentTaskNum = 0;
r.RecurringTask = false;
r.RptPageSettings = "";
r.RptPrinterSettings = "";
r.RptVersion = "";
r.ReportStyleNum = 2;
r.WorkstationID = "";
r.TaskNote = "";
r.ArchiveCode = 0;
r.DateFormat = "m/d/yyyy";
r.NumericFormat = ",.";
r.AgentCompareString = "";
r.ProcessID = "";
r.ProcessTaskNum = 0;
r.DecimalsGeneral = 0;
r.DecimalsCost = 0;
r.DecimalsPrice = 0;
r.GlbDecimalsGeneral = 0;
r.GlbDecimalsCost = 0;
r.GlbDecimalsPrice = 0;
r.FaxSubject = string.Format("Order: {0} The Sales Ack has been sent to you enjoy reading", 18738); ;
r.FaxTo = "";
r.FaxNumber = "";
r.EMailTo = "email@email.com";
r.EMailBody = "";
r.AttachmentType = "PDF";
r.ReportCurrencyCode = "USD";
r.ReportCultureCode = "en-US";
r.SSRSRenderFormat = "PDF";
r.RowMod = "A";
Using: using Erp.Tablesets;
References Erp.ContractsRptSalesOrderAck