Hello @dcamlin. I appreciate your assistance a few months back regarding Blanket POs and could use some help. At mentioned before, I did not learn about the Lock Line feature until after you told me about it. So, I’ve got a bit of a mess. Today, I’m attempting to add Release 14 for $1,100.00 (10 x $110.00). After I enter, Release 14, I will have $1,182.50 left to ‘spend’ on the PO, which equals a quantity of 10.75.
As, I’m entering Release 14, I’m getting an error message: “An error occurred trying to set a value of ‘-50.27000000’…” The total amount of the PO is $8,800.00, but now Line 1 shows a quantity of 39 x $110.00 = $4,290.00. This happened because I adjusted the Order Quantity in Release 1. Here is a screenshot of Release 1. I don’t know what to do to get the order amount back to $8,800.00 with a quantity of 80 (80 x $110.00). I would appreciate any help you can offer.
Hi! Yes, here it is…
The quantities had to be entered as decimals because they do not divide evenly into 110.00, which makes this even harder to figure out. Release 1 should say “80” as the quantity (80 x 110 = $8,800.00).
Well, I’m trying to refresh my memory… But, my understanding is that Release 1 should not say 80.
Line 1 Order Qty should say 80.
Release 1, should be the open balance: (difference between 80 and all the other releases).
Line Qty of 80 - sum(releases 2 thru 14) = Release 1 Qty.
The problem is the sum of your releases 2 thru 14 currently already exceeds 80
BEFORE you entered Release 14, I would assume Release 1 would’ve been equal to 0.73. That would’ve brought the sum of all 13 releases to 80.
Adding release 14 for a qty of 10 is more than you have remaining on that PO at this point (0.73).
What’s going on with releases 8,9, & 12. They are still open. Are these going to be shipped at some point?
But, even if you don’t include those releases, you’d still only have 9.51 to play with… but Release 14 being a Qty of 10… you STILL wouldn’t have enough.
Unless I’m missing something, you simply don’t have enough on this PO to cover all the releases you’ve entered.
Gotcha, so I see how you’re getting the $7,618.60.
You have in your spreadsheet that you’ve consumed a qty of 69.26… but Epicor thinks you already consumed 79.27 (assuming perhaps a little rounding there).
How does Epicor know that releases 10 & 11 were credited back?
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how best to correct that, other than adding their totals back in to the line item.
If you want things to balance in Epicor, you may have to increase the SO expectations to 90 instead of 80. So your SO total would be $9,900 instead of $8,800?
I believe your spreadsheet is correct… but I’m not sure how to get those credits back into Epicor. But Epicor’s SO value is off from expectations.