I have developed an approach that does not require any special module it just uses standard functionality.
The process is to think out of the box on what you are producing when doing laser cutting and painting.
When you are laser cutting you are producing square inches of sheet stock. Painting you are producing sq inches of painted surface. Which you will make to another job for the parts required.
Here’s how to do this
Let’s say you are making two different parts -
A123 and B123 they both use .125 thick 6061 aluminum - part number 0125_6061.
The BOMs are
A123 - 3 SF of 0125_6061
B123 - 4 SF of 0125_6061
The setup is:
Create part that is manufactured and non-Stock
0125_6061SF with a BOM calling out 1 SF of 0125_6061
Put in the laser operation and deburring operation in with the last operation set to perform auto-receive.
Change the BOM’s to
A123 - 3 SF of 0125_6061SF
B123 - 4 SF of 0125_6061SF
Note that the material 0125_6061SF will be in the method as Make Direct
Create jobs for A123 and B123
you could create as many as you want.
Release and schedule the jobs.
Open the Job Manager for part number 0125_6061SF
You will see all of the demands for the material now - better than the cutlist!.
Select one of the demands and create a job
You could prefix the job number with the demand for the other job, but don’t think you would need to.
Select other demands and click link
This one click will add the demand link to the new job and increase the production quantity of SF required.
Repeat on additional jobs
Again - all of these demand links are requesting SF of material for their job.
Process the job and print the traveler
You may need to modify the traveler to state the jobs that are linked to this batch job.
Issue whole sheets to the job
When issuing the whole sheet to the job, consider that the cost of the drop will be prorated to based on the SF demands from the different jobs.
Complete the last operation of the job.
The 0125_6061SF will be issued to the demand link jobs automatically.
This approach also would work with painting
Using LBs for the paint part number and Square inches or feet for the batching part number.
Another would be heat treating or plating for outside operations.
This would help with the lot costing dilemma that you have when you send parts to be processed on a subcontract operation.