Bartender - How to filter the data Epicor sends to it?

I have been struggling with the Bartender issue of filtering the information sent to it by a BAQ.
I am trying to print Job picklist labels and have been successful doing it.
The employee requested the ability to only print the labels that pertain to their specific warehouse.
I can’t for the life of me find a way to filter to specific warehouses.
I created a RDD duplicate of GenJob, excluded all columns that didn’t pertain to my label or relationships between tables.
The tables are: JobHead, JobMtl, and PartBin.
In Report Styles, I created a new style the outputs to the monitored bartender folder.
I created a UD field in JobHead call printPicklistLabel_c.
I created a standard Data Directive that triggers on the boolean ‘printPicklistLabel_c’ becomes ‘True’.
I attached an Auto Print, set to ‘GenJob’ I created, specified options:

  1. Run Schedule: Immediate
  2. Constant: 1
  3. use default Printer.
  4. Report parameter: Jobnum = The ‘ttJobHead.JobNum’ table and field value.
    I feel like maybe the key is here in report parameters but I am not sure. I can’t find any good references on this particular area.

Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

If I haven’t been specific enough, please let me know and I will try to provide more information.



What about doing the filtering in Bartender?

I am not sure how would work.
Bartender is on the server. Would it prompt the user not on the server for the information?
I just tried that and it ignored the prompt in the database setup I just created?
Would it be easier to add another UD field to pass and have them put the warehouse code in that and tell it to filter by that in bartender?

@Chris_Conn - That reminds of bartender’s print station. You can build parameters to prompt when you select a label. For example you could have it prompt which job they want and which warehouse they want to print with a little bit of SQL.

However, this seems like they’re printing from Job Entry and I’m not sure how this would prompt the user if the data is being sent to the monitored folder.

Maybe within the report parameters you can setup the warehouse with a BPM form to select which warehouse they need?

That would be an interesting way to do.

I am not terribly familiar with BPM forms yet. How would that work?

I found the bartender <-> E10 interaction to be a bit rigid myself. That’s why opted to use Bartenders “Commander” and write my own flat files to the bartender folder from c# code in customizations\bpms. It gave me tons of flexibility, mainly in selecting different label types based on data.

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Any documentation on how to do that? Not too far into C# yet.

MY bad, BPM Forms are through method directives, it’s still possible through the method though. A little tougher.

I’ve done the same thing as Chris. I do not use anything built into Epicor that prints with Bartender/Commander.
One way I “Reprint” labels is through a BAQ with a search tracker to narrow down job/part/pack/warehouse ect…
Within the BAQ is an updatable number field (number of labels needed), when this is saved, a built in BPM on update within the BAQ writes the trigger for commander and lists the parts to a text file with the appropriate extension to the monitored folder. The BPM then changes the number fields back to 0.

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Actually, I have offered a ton of info on it here:


I followed the code in that thread and it worked but I had a follow up question I posted in that thread, to keep it all together.

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