So, looking back at my notes, it turns out the where clause is bugged.
There are a couple methods you can go from here.
You can set up the filters/filtersParams.
(No spaces in these lines)
One thing to note about the bold items in this line: QuoteNumCol=?[QuoteNum],QuoteLineCol=?[QuoteLine] is that the combo only knows about the fields within the dataview its bound to. In my example, the combo is bound to QuoteDtl.Character01, so it will only know about fields within the QuoteDtl table. This is why you only need to write it as [QuoteNum] vs [QuoteDtl.QuoteNum]. That being said, it’s also a limitation if you need filters from multiple views. If you do, then I suggest following the below method and bind them to a BAQ View.
You can create a BAQ View to load your data, then hook into an action (like AfterGetByID) to create an event to filter your view based on the loaded Job/Asm/Op, which is a bit more complex.
Here are some snips of the BAQ View version.
Another edit–you could also probably use the REST widget to call your BAQ and populate the filters or parameters that way and then plop that into a view and bind that view to your combo.