"Backflushing" Subassemblies

Did you read through this is the help files yet?

So I’m working on an example for this. Here’s what seeing. (I have auto move on for this test)

Here’s my job structure. I just complete op 10 and op 20.


When I look in part tracker for this part to say where it is. It is at “paint” which is OP 30 (I haven’t started that yet). So the parts, when they are done from one op to the next move to the next operation. All of our wip just sits in bin 1, so that’s the bin location set up for auto move in the resource group.

So if I complete the paint operation. The part in now moved to bin PP. (Post Paint) and is at Asm 0 (the top level) operation 10.


So now if I complete operation 10 on the top level part, the assembly goes away. It’s “backflushed”. I didn’t do anything but complete operations.

Now here are some gotchas with AMM that make this system sort of useless in the real world.

I didn’t do any of the operations for the other assemblies, as you can see,


So if I go and complete these operations.


The part never shows up in WIP. This actually surprised me a little bit, as I though without negatives being allowed, I thought it would show up. But it didn’t, so it’s been “backflushed”

Next I’ll work the same example without auto move turned on.

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This is awesome what you are doing and really helps. We are going to go back to basics with our Methods tomorrow. I think we might have over-complicated things in the past…

so now with auto-move turned off. I will do the same things. I completed op 10 and 20.


Part tracker now shows the parts at the next operation. I was thinking with auto move turned off, it wouldn’t be that way, but it does. It looks like it’s working the same way with auto move turned off. (Which is interesting :thinking:) I’m wondering if I need to do something else here.

That’s really what I was thinking when you were talking about this. I could tell that you were trying to do too much.

So there’s more stuff that can be looked at with the material queue and moving things, but before I spend any time on that, what is your ultimate goal with visibility? Do you need everything in a bin location that needs to be set between each op? Is setting up default bins good enough? If it’s truly moving WIP it probably should be. If it’s sitting a long time, you could think about whether it should be jobs into inventory or not.

So what your ultimate goal is will shape which tools you are using.

Brandon; thanks again for the terrific notes. It turns out that we are over complicating things, and I am planning to revert back to using Epicor as intended. What is driving the over complication was the need to put a location on an assembly as it was completed. The heart of the issue is a procedure problem where we don’t adequately define what we do with our finished assemblies. Now we have gotten to the bottom it is easier to implement change…

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Glad I could help!

Remember: For those reading between the lines and noticing the Auto-Move checkbox.

Auto-Move Checked = DO NOT Auto-Move
Auto-Move Unchecked = Auto-Move

Reversed Logic Bug :slight_smile: Field Help explains it also.

Makes sense, right? :wink: