Auto-Printing Individual Customer Statements via BPM

Hey Calvin,

We do not have the Advanced Print Routing. I was doing research into that actually and then it got a little confusing because it seems like there are quite a few different aftermarket solutions for emailing reports. The Advanced Printing module, Document Sender, DocStar, Advanced Print Routing? I was seeing all of these mentioned but nothing that really clarified if some of those are the same thing and really which one was for the Break/Routing. It was oddly confusing to me at least.

So when researching, it was looking like I could almost get this done via a BPM. I figured I would give that a go before spending money on one of those aftermarket solutions. I was actually following a post about an Auto Print BPM where you replied with an example of something you were able to get working. Auto Print BPM

I tried to go off of that and other posts but eventually ran into the issues I mentioned above. So it is looking like my best bet would be to get the Advanced Print Routing then? I saw a few posts where you had gone into detail about the breaking/routing feature and I figured that would do what we needed but I got a little ambitious and though maybe I could do it with a BPM…