[ Auto-Print ] ShipDtl Label?

I did finally… I created a ShipHead.ShipDtlRowID_c (GUID) column and in the Auto-Print for ShipDtl I have code which finds the ShipHead with the PackNum and assigns it the ttShipDtl.SysRowID which is meant just to be a Querying Records helper in the RDD… and then in the RDD I query the ShipDtl by PackNum and ShipHead.ShipDtlRowID_c = ShipDtl.SysRowID.

Here are some screenshots.

I would also delete all those Relationships in the RDD and rebuild them, they all have the wrong Keys in them, keys which no longer exist.

Last Note, if you do use events during PackOut it used to be POUpdate and now its POUpdateAndDisplay, its a little tricky the PRE has variables related to ShipDtl and the POST has variables only related to the PackOut screen so in order to preserve like the Quantity being packed out you will need to pass them through the context. (This Might not apply to you, but a heads-up if it does).

All code Above is work-in-progress need to refactor it and still tweak a few things. It was slapped together to see if this concept would work, it seems like it definitely will =)

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