Attachment error

ok, i will test tonight @Olga .

hi @Olga , i thought of a quick check. basically in the SP renamed existing POHeader folder to POHeader1 and attached a file on po header in epicor system, file uploaded and a new folder is created in SP saying POHeader.

so, i quickly deleted the newly created POHeader folder in SP and putback the original POHeader folder (revert folder name from POHeader1 to POHeader), tried attaching file in epicor, it failed to attach,

this might be a stupidest test but reckon might have affected anything?

We know that is something wrong with the existing folder you have or with files in it. Question is what exactly is wrongā€¦

went classic view of SP and getting this/( is it just viewing issue?)

I found this article/podcast informative.

hi @Olga,

tried to list files in deleted folder, and having the threshold issue. the deleted folder only have 2 files.

I think this is the root of the problem. I donā€™t know why it is not working with 2 files, maybe there are some soft-deleted items that are not shown?
Probably this question can be answered by SPO support.

apparently we cannot change the sharepoint list threshold as we are not SP onprem

below epicor support response. case ref CS0002420513


I donā€™t think Epicor support can help you with Sahrepoint Online. The error is coming from you Sharepoint installation.

hi @Olga,

does the latest version of epicor have the ability to modify sharepoint folder structure via epicor attachments?

for instance, we have 13 companies in our system, the average number of PO raised is 1400 to 2100 per year.

the SPO have the threshold limitations of 5000 as well which we could not modify.

this mean our system will reach 5000 files in SP under POHeader over a 2.5 year period. thus, we will be caught up with threshold issue. how do we handle this situation? anything pipelined from epicor? or any other workaround?

No, nothing was changed recently with sharepoint attachment functionality

When I looked at using SharePoint for Attachments, at the time one of the limitations was the depth of the path. I am not sure if this is the same issue, but I recall that the length of the variable used to store the file path" included the whole URL plus the filename.

So unless I missed it in the thread, I have to ask if you had a file with a shorter name does it still occur?

I did think that this issue had been fixed in later versions. I noticed this issue, and sure I logged a case on it when we were on 10.1.600 back in 2018.

Reach out if you need any help.

Hi @Hally, our filename format is VendorID-PONum.pdf . definitely nothing to do with filename length. we can manually upload file to sharepoint site via browser though.

Yes we could manually upload as well. What is the length of the full URL including the filename? Our URL included the full company name, it was 47characters just for that, so you can imagine if you had a Sharepoint List generated with the company and possibly the document type (going for memory here) then the file name it turned out pretty long.

As I said It may have been fixed in a later version, due to time constraints I was forced to go with standard file attachments. Iā€™m so glad there is the attachment remapping tool. That was one of my bugbears in E9.

Hi @Hally,

we dont use document type. the same file is uploading in another company on the same environment. the issue is around company specific, but our support partner did tried few KB resolution(hope one of them is your case resolution) and it did not work.

I was referring to the part of the path relating to the table e.g. POHeader in your example.

That rather annoying. If you are on-prem perhaps there is more about the error in the event logs or the server log. Failing that a packet traceā€¦(oops probably looking at the hard route there).

Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got Iā€™m afraid.

The more I learn about SharePoint the less I like the Epicor Attachment process. Iā€™m finding that SharePoint is not a great dumping ground like a file share. It is a rich eco-system of capabilities that used in the intended way provides a great document management system.

If youā€™re on 10.2.700 and you just want an archive of attachments and not the other features of Sharepoint (document types, security, retention policies, Microsoft Search, notfications, ā€¦) then maybe DropBox is a better solution.

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Oh, I should add that DocStar is a better dumping ground than SharePoint and DropBox.


Were also in the same boat. Sharepoint has its 5000 file limit in view.

OrderHed and APInvcHead are both over 5000 and we can no longer attach files through Epicor. We can manually add to the SharePoint site though.

Has anyone had luck customizing the attachment screen to maybe append the CustID to the folder path?