AR Invoice Posting

ok, this is weird and I really believe it it he person causing the issue…it is usually her.

When she goes to AR Invoices > Actions > Post it tend to lock up and won’t post. I usually have to cancel it and then run a conversion so she can post again. Any thoughts why this keeps happening?? I am new to this company and never had an issue at my last company with E9 doing this.

Thanks Kim

Kim check for personalizations for this user. Try deleting and see what
happens. Also check process or field security settings and see if anything
there. Lastly check to see if there are any method directives set for AR
invoice entry and let me know what you find

When it get’s hung up and you cancel, are you cancelling from the Journal Review logs? If so what is the error you are seeing in there? Is it a duplicate transaction error?


Is there anyone else doing any posting at the same time? Are you running conversion program 10250 to repost again?

Yes, WHENEVER you have 2 postings run at the same time, E9 posting engine crashes. You have to unlock(10250) and have each start over again. Our accounting department has worked around this by essentially scheduling when things are posted, even if they don’t know the extent of it. AR invoices are posted in the morning by procedure (not by conflict), and AP Payments are posted in the afternoon by procedure (again, not by conflict). But nothing is posted while WIP capture is run (because we had conflicts when we did). I have also noticed other times when other postings had been run at the same time and crashed the posting engine. They believe it’s only the WIP Capture, but the other evidence points to posting in general.

There is no Review Journal so I have run the conversion that unlocks it with no review journal…

Have you verified on the edit list that the GL accounts are all good?


I’ll second Jim’s post then.

The only other thing I have heard of that could cause this is if the person double clicks the Post button when going to post.