Recently in Test, I’ve been getting a lot of these “there are tax connect error messages for invoice xxx” even though I tested our Tax Connect and it connected successfully. Any thoughts why every invoice is getting these errors so that we can’t post them?
If you have tax connect turned on in your test, Avalara will get confused with live. Likely, what’s happening is the invoice number you’re calculating tax on already has that same invoice number that was already processed in live. You should be able to go to Actions --> Tax Connect --> View Tax Connect Results to read the error message.
There are two different tax connect sites between live and test so it shouldn’t be getting those confused. For test, we are hitting the Avalara “Development” site URL. Is it possible that we’ve deleted and reused the same Invoice twice in the Test environment?
Generally, Epicor will not reuse an invoice number. If you create an invoice at 100001, delete it, then create a new one, it should be 100002. Did you check the tax connect results message?
Yes, it said the “Tax interface connection was successfully validated.”
That’s what you get when you test the connection in the Company Config, isn’t it?
Check it in Invoice Entry in the batch that has errors.
This is the tax connect error results we are getting in our Test environment which is a copy of Production.
I’m fairly confident that the issue is due to an invoice already existing in our Test Avalara site since we re-copy the same backup production copy multiple times to reproduce an issue. Current workaround is to mark the invoice as tax exempt. Any other workarounds if the invoice already exists in Avalara dev environment?