Application Studio Can't find correct Action similar to Set Field

You can’t use custom code at all? Ouch. In that case set the local variable using widgets and filter your query that way. What I custom coded is doing the same thing effectively just without widgets.

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We are Public Cloud customer, i think that is why no custom coding

Ah bummer. Regardless variables should be available to use that’s all in framework.

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did you run into this when trying to set the varible?



You have custom code. You just aren’t looking in the right place.

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No but you get that if you don’t supply everything needed to the widget block. Did you create your variable in the variables tab and supply that to the widget?

Do tell. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’ve probably run into one of these situations. You’ll need to trace in the browser.
Take a look at the network tab as well, and you can see the data going into and back
from the business objects.

I see now. thanks. I have never really used variables. its all new to me.

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I learn something new everyday. It’ll come.

Does this need to be enabled by Epicor for me?

I think it’s here in User Account Maintenance.

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Hey that was it. I have it now. Coolio.
We used to be Multi Tenant before moving to Public cloud, had more limitations.


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interesting to see how this thread evolved.I dont know what to mark as solution

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Typically for these i’ll just use a custom code condition with something like this in it. “.Any()” returns a bool for basically if record exists. Performance wise much faster than query condition.

I used the custom coding, but it still only works in classic UI not on Kinetic. Might need to use Application Studio actions for this one.

To be honest, I haven’t read what you’re actually doing. But it is possible that the Kinetic UI is
calling a BO differently from the classic client. You’ll have to do tracing to find out.

I have a suggestion:

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The whole thread kinda morphed. My original thread has actually been solved. I Kinda opened another can of worms, that prob should have been a new thread