Here’s the same query written both ways and the equivalent executued SQL (Recorded by SQL profiler)
LINQ Query (Methods):
var query = Db.OrderHed
.Where(orderHed => orderHed.ReadyToCalc == true && orderHed.EntryPerson=="EPI-METHOD")
orderHed => orderHed.OrderNum,
orderDtl => orderDtl.OrderNum,
(orderHed, orderDtl) => new { orderHed, orderDtl })
combined => new { combined.orderDtl.Company, combined.orderDtl.PartNum },
part => new { part.Company, part.PartNum },
(combined, part) => new { combined.orderHed, combined.orderDtl, part })
combined => new { combined.orderHed.Company, combined.orderHed.CustNum },
customer => new { customer.Company, customer.CustNum },
(combined, customer) => new { combined.orderDtl, combined.part, customer })
.GroupBy(x => new { x.part.PartDescription, x.customer.AccountCoordinator_c })
.Select(grouped => new
PartManager = grouped.Key.PartDescription,
AccountCordinator = grouped.Key.AccountCoordinator_c,
OrderDtls = grouped.Select(x => x.orderDtl).ToList()
Linq Query Syntax:
var query2 = (from orderHed in Db.OrderHed
where orderHed.ReadyToCalc == true && orderHed.EntryPerson=="EPI-LINQ"
join orderDtl in Db.OrderDtl on orderHed.OrderNum equals orderDtl.OrderNum
join part in Db.Part on new { orderDtl.Company, orderDtl.PartNum } equals new { part.Company, part.PartNum }
join customer in Db.Customer on new { orderHed.Company, orderHed.CustNum } equals new { customer.Company, customer.CustNum }
group new { orderDtl, part, customer } by new { part.PartDescription, customer.AccountCoordinator_c } into grouped
select new
PartManager = grouped.Key.PartDescription,
AccountCordinator = grouped.Key.AccountCoordinator_c,
OrderDtls = grouped.Select(x => x.orderDtl).ToList()
SQL Diff
MethodVsQueryJoinsKinetic2023 - Diffchecker
It literally generated the EXACT SAME SQL Down the the intermediate table names. I purposely chose a mildly complex query with joins where clauses and grouping.
This was in a Pre Processing BPM on ABCode->GetNew()