App Studio - DataView without database binding?

Ah yeah, the events will definitely hose things up like that.
Changing native grids gets really messy due to those events. Definitely had some woes with that here: How To: Adding Columns to Existing Kinetic Grid - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (

For using the stuff in the JSON, it should just be a matter of:

   "PropertyName": "{SubAssemblies.Column}"

Use or remove quotes where appropriate.

Works like a charm! This is becoming off topic, but can data be interpolated with regular label text with a similar syntax? For instance, I’d like to use the ep-label component and dynamically set its text based on the currently selected row text.

Qty Issued: {SubAssemblyView.Calculated_Issued}

doesn’t work. Is there another syntax for this, or is it simply not possible.

Doesn’t appear to be possible.

Okay, so it’s possible, but not easy or intuitive and requires digging into the DB.

  1. Place your label and save your layer

  2. Preview your layer and open Dev Tools (F12)

  3. Select the label element to inspect

  4. Grab the id from the ep-label component. (Not sure why this isn’t exposed in App Studio… @bconner ?? )

  1. Create an event. Set the trigger to whatever you need it to be to invoke the change.
  2. Add a Property-Set widget and set the Components property to the label ID you found in your layer JSON.

  1. In the props, set the Prop property to labelText and set the Value to be {View.Column}



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Thanks! I was wondering if I could use property-set to accomplish this. I’ve tried to use it for other use cases, but it either had no effect or I couldn’t guess at the correct property name. It looks like they’re camel cased?

There was a version where the property-set widget only worked on native controls. Depending on how long ago you tested, that could be it.

As far as the syntax, yes–it’s camel case.

Odd, this doesn’t seem to be working on components on a slide out panel. It does work on components that live on the same page.

I can’t get this to work either. You could submit it as a bug.

It looks like the slide out panel component (and its components) isn’t rendered at all until opened, then removed from the DOM when hidden. This is probably the more efficient way to do it, especially on beefier apps. It’s too bad you can’t bind a specific property of a component (hidden, labelText, etc) to a DataView column or global variable. Then when it’s rendered, the property simply uses the bound value.

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Agreed. It would be much nicer to be able to set the text to, say {DataView.Column}. That would be the ideal way to go to get around this hackiness.

You could submit it as a bug.

What is currently the best way to do this? Epiccare?

Well, if you believe it’s a bug, then yes, but what you described makes a lot of sense, so it’s probably “working as designed”.
Knowing that, I’d probably submit it to Epicor Ideas: Kinetic Ideas (

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@Ishkaran can you re share that video. The link has expired. Thanks.

I don’t think you’ll get it. Ishkaran doesn’t work for Epicor anymore.

bummer. The question on this post is similar to what I am wanting to do. I am new to epicor but have a back ground in web development angular, nodejs, mongodb etc. I am helping to design our configurator in app studio. I have not added much logic but would like to have an area on the form
with a text box or other controls where I fill the out the data and have an “add/update” button that will add the data to the grid and clear the form. With the ability to click a row, if needed ,to edit the data then update the row. I need to use this data later for my “keep when” rules.

This may be a little off topic for this thread so I started a new one here.

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I know it’s bit old - but link expired.
Maybe it can uploaded to a place where it will not expire?

I believe this is probably the video you all have been seeking.

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Link works. Thank you.

This is an old thread, but the video no longer works (again).

Look up two posts.