Anyone ever done a where-clause on SessionAdmin.GetList?

You could also try:


Prior to sending the request as filter appears to be just a string.

If it really is a tableset you would need something slightly different like:


Huh. It worked.

As you can see, I still needed to do coder stuff (the deserialize, the explicit typing), but the hardest part - what Epicor wanted - was that the object to deserialize was just a string.

FYI, yes, I certainly tried this. No bueno.


EDIT: I suppose I should ask support about the original topic - the where-clause that does nothing?

I’ll get right on that… :roll_eyes:

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@klincecum I’m still not a coder. Nope. Not going to make me.

You lie, you are already.

I sure need to write a book of how to translate this madness into a non-Kevin level of knowledge.