Anybody else enjoying NOT redoing your system tasks schedule today?

We have special field in z-data BizType = UTC to show UTC dates in services.
I wonder if it can be used in BAQ…
In that case you would not need to use this formula, which does not work for DST change apparently.

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OK, you have me curious - what is that? It sounds like one of those tables that start with Z.

OK, I see it. it’s ZDataField.

But yeah nothing leaps off the page.

z-data are dictionary describing data.
To specify the same attribute in flag, you can use Attributes form, it is in Display fields.
There you select the field and set the same attribute BizType=UTC

The problem is the it does not work for me in BAQ Designer in browser, but it works in smart client. You can check what happens in dashboard, This is either Kinetic BAQ designer bug, or browser client bug.

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I will try this…

I don’t think I can change it.

When I pull in SysTask.StartedOn, it is already UTC.


If I try to clear it out, it refuses:


And the only values that exist in the ZDataField table for datetime fields are either UTC or [empty sting]. (I checked for anything not equal to UTC and they are all blanks.)

Maybe try to create calc field that contains just StartedOn field.

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I’m not having any luck.

My BAQ has the StartedOn field in 3 ways:

  1. Raw
  2. Calculated but nothing fancy
  3. Calculated but adding the BizType = UTC attribute.

And then this is a dashboard (preview) in App Studio.


It’s all good. I greatly appreciate you working on this with me.

Well, this is clearly a bug, so you should report it.
In smart client at least calc field with UTC biztype attribute works as expected.
I did not check dashboard.

as a workaround you can try another sql function

If you need only one timezone.
Something like

CONVERT(datetime, StartedOn AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'Eastern Standard Time')

Well hot dog.

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Mine updated last DST but not this one. :woozy_face:


Spring forward, fall flat on our face. Welcome to IT.

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