Adding a Table to OrderAck

Good news and bad news.
Good news: The report finally came up no error.
Bad news: When I drag that new field into the report for a test print the report comes up but it does not have the new field I dragged into it.

Here is where I added the field.

As can be seen it did not print.

Header is a bad place to test. can you put it into the body of the report?

And as a debugging tool, set the background of that field to be a color like Pink or Cyan. Then you’ll see if the field is there, but just no data. As opposed to the field disappearing all together.

Alright. I filled the back yellow and they are showing up but no Data. Not sure why, I did the same Join on SQL and it gave me the result I need. Any ideas? @cfinley It even showed up on the header not there is no data.

I removed the Order = order on the Join b/c it would not work that way in SQL but still no luck. Just printing the yellow fill.

What is the expression you’re using in the textbox in the header?


If that’s in the header, it would have to be something like:
Or you’d get an error. So that must not actually be a page header. You’re most likely in a Group based on the OrderHed.

And one thing top keep in mind … The OrderAck report can print multiple orders at once. When this is done, SSRS combines them into “one report” So if you use a First() function, it will always use the value from the first record in the dataset, regardless of which Order is being printed.

And are you sure the OrderRel.PONum refers to your PO and not the customer’s PO to you?
Never mind. I see that PONum is your PO number, but only when the PO line is Buy To Order.

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Can you confirm that there is a PONum for the release you are testing with?

That is correct I moved it down into the body.

Here is where the PORel table is storing the PONum.

To confirm that is a screenshot from the order you are testing? As well as confirming there is a shipvia code filled out on the PO?


Here the the sql code joining the two,

giving the result I’m looking for.

Do you have access to the SQL server? If so, see if the temp file for SSRS OrderRel_GUID has any data in it. If you don’t have access to look at it in SSMS, make a SSRS report fro scrath with the onlt dataset being the OrderRel_GUID …

In your query you removed the ordernum link. Way above in your replies you have the ordernum link included. Remove it in your SSRS query.

Yes. That is the release tab on the order I am testing and the sql code returns the shipvia on the PO with the same join to PO Header.

Here is the PO.

Order has been removed as well. I stated I removed it because that was the only way I could get the sql code to work as well. Current join is

LEFT OUTER JOIN POHeader_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T5 ON T3.Company = T5.Company AND T3.PONum = T5.PONum"

I would try @ckrusen’s suggestions. Hopefully you are on prem so you can check. I feel like we’ve confirmed everything.

@ckrusen Can you guide me as to where the tables should be in the SQL server?