Add or Remove Buttons (Dropdown Arrow Missing)

The toolbar (ribbon) dropdown arrow is missing after upgrading to 10.2.400. I’m unable to make toolbar modifications to individual screens. Only at the global level through Tools>Options

Is there a way to re-enable this? I have full system manager, customizati on and personalization rights.

I don’t think I know what you are referring to. What’s missing?

Looking for these guys next to each toolbar section.


We are having this same issue. Some users have the dropdown arrows and some users don’t. How do we activate them for the users that don’t have them?

Never found an answer for this, nor did I ever find it in any Epicor documentation. Seems like the functionality is just no longer available starting in 10.2

I didn’t see it differ between users. Was universally gone for everyone. **It may have still been available for certain screens, but I can’t fully recall.

Well, I created a support ticket and this was the answer I just got:

"The Short Answer - The Toolbar Options are Not Supported and should not be used.

The Long Answer - In Vantage, Development gave the Users the ability to change the Toolbar. However, Customers began reporting changes made to the Toolbar caused issues to occur in Vantage and Epicor 9, so Development no longer allowed Users to make changes to the Toolbar, except to Move/Hide the Delete Icon.

The problem was the Toolbar Options were not hidden, so a Problem Case was created. In later Epicor Versions, that Toolbar Options was hidden, but not everywhere, so another Problem Case was created. However, for whatever reason, the Toolbar Options were unhidden.

In fact, the Toolbar Option does exist in the Kinetic 2021 Classic Menus.

So the bottom line - while the Toolbar Options are no longer hidden, they are not Supported and should not be used, as it may causes issues with the Epicor."