Active Home Page Moving/Resizing Tiles

I have a user who is unable to resize or move any of the tiles in the active home page when he is in the edit view. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated as I am stumped as to what issue the users is experiencing.

-I verified he is in the edit view
-He can add new tiles
-He can delete current tiles

Sometimes the Home Screen needs to be maximized in order to move or size the tiles. Have the user minimize and then maximize Epicor and try again.

Epicor KnowledgeBase article

Thanks @MattHelfrey I am pretty sure that is the issue. What I don’t think is talked about in that knowledge base article is that I believe it is derived from the width of the active home page. The user who has this issue is currently working from a laptop screen (Thanks to working from home) and apparently maximized epicor still isn’t wider than the active home screen in the edit mode so he still can’t move tiles. I think this is just the way it will be until we get back into the office.